Vite 使用,及源码走读

 |  15 minute read

最近参与了好几个前端项目,其中两个是公司内部的后台办公应用,第三个是公司内部的技术博客,都是基于 Vite/Vue/TS 的技术选型. 因此抽空整理一篇关于 Vite 打包工具的文章.


Bow {🏹️} Swift

 |  22 minute read

🌈 Briefing of my tour in Bow: a functional programming library for swift. The project provides comprehensive implementation of functional programming concepts like kind, monad, applicative as well as common function programming techniques such as partial application, curry, memoizations.

📖 For people who want to learn systematic knowledge on functional programming, I do feel this project can be used as a swift version language guide book.

❓ To study the framework: Firstly the bow’s core compnent are throughly analysed, where common syntaxes, typical higher-kinded-types and patterns for functional programming are implemented using Swift. Then an example in nef is explored to see how the above framework is applied in real project. 👼