Swift Protocols Concise Overview

2024, Jan 03    

A handy, summarized guide talking about common protocols used in “Swift Standard Library” without going into too much details ~

Basic Behaviours


Numbers & Basic Types

  • Provides a list of common protocols that Numeric needs to follow: Numeric Protocols
    • Basic arithmetic operations: AdditiveArithmetic (Support addition), Numeric (Support multiplication), SingedNumeric (Support negation, take negative), Strideable (Subtraction support)
    • Integer arithmetic: BinaryInteger (Supports Bit operations and Clamping/Extending operations), FixedWithInteger (Support overflow calculation protection) SignedInteger /UnsignedInteger supports the division of larger values than the current type.
    • Floating-point arithmetic: FloatingPoint (Floating-point Basic operation) BinaryFloatingPoint (Based on Floating Point, it further provides Floating-Point binary operation and exposes the calculation attributes related to significand, exponent and binad).
      • Because the floating point itself has a limited range of expression, it cannot be accurately expressed for numbers at infinite positions after the decimal point, so use floatingPointClassification further description of the type of floating point: infinite/positive zero/negative zero/finite, etc.
      • Use floatingPointSign express floating-point sign
      • Use floatingPointRoundingRule declare round rules
    • SIMD (Single Instruction Multi Data) calculation, which supports calculating all scalar types in SIMD Vector within a CPU instruction (currently Int, Float, Double, etc. are supported by default)

Collection Protocols

  • Swift collection types:

    • Common:
    • Rare:
      • RangeSet for discrete ranges
      • KeyValuePairs provides ordered key-value pairs that are lighter than dictionaries;
      • CollectionOfOne: express the intent of the code more clearly and avoid allocating additional elements to reserve space.
  • Swift collection protocols:

    • Utility protocols for specific types of use cases:
    • Sequence provides linear access to get elements by means of iterators (Sequence is not guaranteed to support multiple Iterator accesses; Complexity of accessing is O(n))
    • Collection provides subscript, which supports access to O(1) by index (guaranteed multiple Iterator accesses at the same time)
    • Mutability:
      • MutableCollection, provides in place sort/shuffle/remove and other capabilities
      • RangeReplacableCollection, provides the ability to replace any partial range in another Collection with a Collection of the same type.
    • Lazy Iterator: (Exercise: Write a lazy iterator by hand):
      • LazySequenceProtocol Defer collection-related calculations until the iterator is actually used, based on LasySequenceProtocol, and further provide LazyCollectionProtocol Supports access via the .lazy convenience function.
    • Misc:
      • Support types, which provide convenience encapsulation based on Dictionary/Sequence/Set/Range, etc.
      • ManagedBuffer, used for performance optimization via adopting pointer-level continuous address access.