About OpenAPI 3.0

 |  1 minute read

OpenAPI 3.0 standard aka OAS, currently provides a close loop API lifecycle from design, prototyping, implementation, testing to deployment (here the deployment process mainly refers to deploying the artifacts to the maven repository).

The core components provided by Swagger includes:

  • SwaggerHub: remote API console deployed on the backend to help the team and partner understand and try your API.
  • Swagger Editor & Swagger UI: open sourced API editor and a interactive UI tool to visualize OpenAPI specification.
  • Swagger Codegen: Generating server stubs and client APIs, with mock functionality supported.

iOS Container Views Cheatsheet

 |  7 minute read

Almost in every technical stacks, there are widgets that focusing on providing layout priciples in organising multiple views. In Android, there are ViewGroup models which contains other views. In Html5 and CSS, the display keywords defines the possible display behaviour of an element, the flex, block, grid, table are the container types with which the elements can further organize other inline type elements. In iOS, based on the documents regarding to UIKit, there are container views and container view controllers takes such responsibilities. In this document, a cheatsheet is produced to record all the core methods for each of the container view/view controllers to help reduce the effort for browsing documents when we need to develop any of those widgets.



Common Sorting Algorithms

 |  2 minute read

Summary & Comparisons for Common Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Shell Sort, Bucket Sort, Heap Sort, Count Sort


Learning Flutter

 |  13 minute read

Flutter nowadays become a popular choice among the community due to its capability of creating apps in record time. In this article, it explains some of the critical best practises to follow which helps developer work with the framework effectively and get things right from the beginning. The tips below are summarized from various blogs, articles as well as the official website for dart and flutter. Among all the referenced websites there are hundreds of topics which provide flutter development suggestions, the tips in this article are choosen based on the following criterias:

  • Each of the tips is focusing on solving a specific issue within limited scope. Discussions related to design patterns, app architectures which involves in large volumes of background information and the anwser varies from different use cases are not included.
  • Each of the tips talks about methodology to solve practical problems which developers will very likely meet during development process. However, common suggestions which are either already well-known to the community or developers can get easily from dart and flutter official websites are not included.

Xcode Symbol Configuration Guide

 |  2 minute read

Provide a summary on the proper symbol related configuration. in this article I will summarize some of the tricks and practice guidance iOS developer should follow for the properly configuration of XCode project. For the detailed list of XCode compilation items, there is a xcode document archive for user to refer.