Common Sorting Algorithms

2020, Mar 02    

Summary & Comparisons for Common Sorting Algorithms: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Shell Sort, Bucket Sort, Heap Sort, Count Sort


Algorithm Description Complexity
BubbleSort Two layers of for loop for sorting an array, keep bubble up the current round of max items to the end of the array Space: O(1), Time: (N^2)
SelectionSort Similar to bubble sort, but instead of bubbling up, identify the next max/min items from the unsorted section of the array and append it to the edge of the sorted section Space: O(1), Time: (N^2)
InsertionSort Keep a sorted area in the beginning section/end section of the array, increasing the sorted erea by inserting element from the unsorted section and hence reduce the unsorted side of the section and increase the sorted area Space: O(1), Time: (N^2)
Merge Sort Divide the array into sub arrays until each array contains only 1 element, then merge the array back Time Complexity: O(nlogn), Space: (N)
Quick Sort Choose pivot from the array, and create a pivot, a sub-array which is smaller than the pivot and sub-array which element larger than the pivot. recursively call the quick sort on the subarrays as compare to merge sort, quick sort provides similar levels of Time complexity (nLogn), but it supports in-place sort, hence no additional cost on memory can be achieved.
Shell Sort ShellSort is a optimied version of insertion sort, split the array into sub arrays, based on the gap n, where n starts from floor(array.count/2) and keep devided by 2 until to 1.  
Heap Sort For an array, converted it to heap first, then shift the root (max) to the end of the array and keep shiftdown and swaping process Time: nLogn, Space: 1
Count Sort Count the appearance of elements in arrays, based on the count, reproduce the sorted array Time: n, Space: n (not in-place sort)
Bucket Sort Distributed algorithm, split the array into different trunks and sort each separately